Non perdere più l’importo del tuo soggiorno all’ultimo minuto: scopri le prenotazioni flessibili con Takyon

Non perdere più l’importo del tuo soggiorno all’ultimo minuto: scopri le prenotazioni flessibili con Takyon

Have you ever had to forfeit the full amount of your stay due to a last-minute unforeseen event? At the Grand Hotel Faraglioni Acitrezza, these situations are just a bad memory thanks to the new booking option in collaboration with Takyon. Now you can book your stay in Sicily, admire the stacks of Acitrezza and the majesty of Mount Etna, with the security of being able to resell your reservation up to the last minute thanks to our innovative solution based on Blockchain technology.

Book your trip without fear of unforeseen events

Forget the fear of losing money if your plans change. Thanks to the collaboration with Takyon and their innovative method of managing online reservations, each booking becomes a resellable NFT (Non-Fungible Token) on the same platform. With the Resellable Rate, you have the freedom to manage your stay independently, unlike most common hosting sites. Your reservation becomes a digital ticket, resellable until 23:59 on the day before check-in, allowing you to book without stress and well in advance, with the certainty of recovering the cost of your reservation should your plans change at the last minute.

Ensure a safe trip to Catania with Takyon

Blockchain technology not only facilitates the resale process in a simple and secure manner but also ensures transparency and verification of every transaction. This new booking mode represents our commitment to ensuring the best comfort and seriousness to our valued customers who wish to experience the beauties of Sicily and Acitrezza. Don’t wait any longer: book now at the Grand Hotel Faraglioni and enjoy a relaxing experience overlooking the Riviera dei Ciclopi, with maximum flexibility and no worries.